About Our Studio

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The STORY BEHIND our clear sound

We are the leader in Online Mixing and Mastering and have been the first to provide this breaking new service to the entire world. Before us the only way artists would be able to have their music Professioanlly Mixed and Mastered was to book and pay for both an hourly (if not multiple) studio session(s) and an engineer. We we're the FIRST to provide the same professional services online for more than half the cost and at the comfort of your own home. Our company began in 2010, since then we've been the #1 Online Mixing and Mastering Service for 6 years straight. Unfortunately being number 1 has its consequences, since starting the company there have been lots of other Mixing and Mastering websites popping up all over the internet, most being run by engineers who truely have no professional experince in their craft but are just looking to make a quick buck and leaving YOU with unprofessinal results. Most of these sites have cloned everything we've built to LOOK like the real deal but are really just horrible copies. Its rare to find a company who truely cares about the artist. Our services are low priced because we care more about the music than the money. We enjoy our job and enjoy satisfying our clients. We dedicate our time learing your needs and doing everything we can to give you a product you can be proud of for years to come. Our team wants to build long lasting relationships with our clients and wants to see everyone succeed. You are guarenteed to get this at AudioMixingMastering.com and we have the clients, testimonials, reviews and most of all the WORK to prove it. We are the original and always will be. For True Professional Online Mixing and Mastering there is only ONE name you can TRUST. Audio Mixing Mastering LLC

Professional results, Incredible sound.

Our users say our mastering services is the best they've ever heard, and we think you'll agree. Our Grammy Award winning team has engineered on countless hit records, including the ones shown here. Their vast experience and skill has allowed us to build a great business that understands your music mastering needs.

Do You Need to Contact Us?

* Non-Refundable Deposit * A non-refundable 100% deposit is required in advance to Jay Fly Mastering Before process We require at least 48 hours notice before all cancellations and rescheduling. Late fee or rescheduling Fee is $25. We accept credit cards, check, Pay-Pal, Apple Pay, Square and CashApp. All recordings and masters remain the property of Jay Fly Mastering.net until balances are paid in full up front. ©2021 JayFlyMastering LLC. Contact us at (Jayflymastering@gmail.com)
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