Clean / Radio Edits

Clean / Radio Edits 25 % Off

Clean / Radio In Music, a radio edit or radio mix is a modification, typically truncated, intended to make a song more suitable for airplay, whether it be adjusted for length, profanity, subject matter, instrumentation, or form. Radio edits may also be used for commercial single versions, which may be denoted as the 7" version. 

Radio edits may have more or fewer bad words edited than the "clean version", because of the radio stations' or agencies' standards.  

$45.00 $65.00
* Non-Refundable Deposit * A non-refundable 100% deposit is required in advance to Jay Fly Mastering Before process We require at least 48 hours notice before all cancellations and rescheduling. Late fee or rescheduling Fee is $25. We accept credit cards, check, Pay-Pal, Apple Pay, Square and CashApp. All recordings and masters remain the property of Jay Fly until balances are paid in full up front. ©2021 JayFlyMastering LLC. Contact us at (
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