
Mixing 50 % Off

Mixing includes balancing track components, changing frequency content, panning, dynamic boosting and adding special effects such as reverb, delay, filters and more

Audio mixing is the process of taking recorded tracks and blending them together. Tracks are blended using various processes such as EQ, Compression and Reverb. 

Mixing is all about getting individual parts or instruments to work as a song. Think of it like building a car. All the parts of the car need to come together for it to run properly. The mixdown process is all about making sure all the parts are in place.

$100.00 $200.00
* Non-Refundable Deposit * A non-refundable 100% deposit is required in advance to Jay Fly Mastering Before process We require at least 48 hours notice before all cancellations and rescheduling. Late fee or rescheduling Fee is $25. We accept credit cards, check, Pay-Pal, Apple Pay, Square and CashApp. All recordings and masters remain the property of Jay Fly Mastering.net until balances are paid in full up front. ©2021 JayFlyMastering LLC. Contact us at (Jayflymastering@gmail.com)
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