
We're hiring

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We love music. We love musicians. Our mission is to give music makers the freedom to create and be heard.Get a chance to work at the intersection of arts and tech. It's a unique opportunity for anyone who loves music and is fascinated by new technologies.

We take care of our own

Jay Fly Mastering LLC. is the creative platform for musicians: AI-powered music mastering, distribution, collaboration, promotion and sample packs.

Since launching in 2007, we've helped millions of musicians create and get heard.

Work for musicians

Be creator-first. Bring your love of music every day. Stand with creators throughout their journey and remember that music is what drives us.

Come together

Jay fly Mastering is a conversation and you are a part of it. Speak authentically to move ideas forward. Be generous with your knowledge.

Innovate every day

Embrace changes. Take risks and leave your comfort zone. Don't be afraid to fail. Learn from it all. Show intensity every day.

Create your company

Make Jay fly Mastering your own professional Mixing and Mastering personal Engineer. Contribute to the culture we all belong to.

All available positions are listed in our Google Hire Job portal. From there, you'll be able to learn more about exciting opportunities at Jay Jay Fly Mastering LLC. And send us your details.

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Do You Need to Contact Us?

* Non-Refundable Deposit * A non-refundable 100% deposit is required in advance to Jay Fly Mastering Before process We require at least 48 hours notice before all cancellations and rescheduling. Late fee or rescheduling Fee is $25. We accept credit cards, check, Pay-Pal, Apple Pay, Square and CashApp. All recordings and masters remain the property of Jay Fly until balances are paid in full up front. ©2021 JayFlyMastering LLC. Contact us at (
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